Javascript Query Builder ASP.NET MVC Core integration, filter for SQL DB

features query builder widget

  • provides user-friendly web UI for building complex filters, ad-hoc SQL database queries, user-defined conditions (combined with and/or).
  • can be easily integrated into any web application.
  • outputs simple JSON structure that can be parsed on the server-side and translated into SQL query or MongoDb filter.
  • built-in editors: textbox, dropdownlist, datepicker. It is possible to add custom field editors (like select2).
  • easy to extend and support: simple JS code, only dependency is jQuery.
  • FREE and open source: MIT license.

examples typical usage scenarios

  • Basic:
    • how to configure condition builder for specific fields
    • how to get state (JSON structure) and set state
    • compose SQL WHERE condition by builder JSON state
  • QueryBuilder ASP.NET MVC Core (NET8) server-side integration:
    • uses NReco.Data library for dynamic queries and data access, can be used with any ADO.NET connector: SQL Server, MySql, PostgreSQL etc
    • NReco Condition Builder example: parse JSON state on the server-side and translate it to the SQL WHERE.
    • jQuery QueryBuilder example: parse JSON state on the server-side and translate it to the SQL WHERE.
    • if you interested in examples for MongoDb, please let us know.

download and pricing

quick purchase process

  • 1 Choose a package
  • 2 Pay online Online payment methods
  • 3 Download the package

NReco Query Builder is a simple way to add advanced user-defined filter to the list, data grid or summary report.

how to use

var $builderElem = $('#queryBuilder'); //div
  // fields metadata
  fields : [
      name: 'company',
      caption: 'Company',
      renderer: { name: 'textbox' },
      conditions: [{ text: 'like', value: 'like' }]
Have a question? Feel free to ask.

query builder demo

Get query state JSON Get SQL WHERE condition

more components

  • PivotData Toolkit for .NET

    .NET components for manipulating multidimensional dataset (in-memory data cube) without OLAP server, aggregating huge datasets, calculating data for pivot tables / charts, web pivot table control for ASP.NET MVC/Blazor.

  • PivotData Microservice

    On-premises NET8 app that provides web API for PivotData Toolkit functionality: create pivot tables & charts by SQL/MongoDb/ElasticSearch databases, export reports to Excel/PDF/JSON/CSV/Image. Can be used as a backend for web pivot table builder.