PivotTableWriterBase Properties

NReco.PivotData Class Library Documentation

The PivotTableWriterBase type exposes the following members.


Public propertyGrandTotal
Include grand totals value into resulting pivot table (true by default).
Public propertyTotalsColumn
Include totals column into resulting pivot table (true by default).
Public propertyTotalsColumnHeaderText
Gets or sets title text for totals column header (Totals by default).
Public propertyTotalsColumnPosition
Determins totals column position (first column or last column).
Public propertyTotalsRow
Include totals row into resulting pivot table (true by default).
Public propertyTotalsRowHeaderText
Gets or sets title text for totals row header (Totals by default).
Public propertyTotalsRowPosition
Determins totals row position (first row or last row).
See Also
