PivotTableJsonWriter Properties

NReco.PivotData Class Library Documentation

The PivotTableJsonWriter type exposes the following members.


Public propertyFormatDimensionLabel
Gets or sets custom formatting handler for dimension labels (JSON: 'Columns' and 'Rows' arrays).
Public propertyFormatKey
Gets or sets custom formatting handler for table row/column labels (key,dimension)->(label).
Public propertyFormatMeasureHeader
Gets or sets custom formatting handler for measure headers (JSON: 'MeasureLabels' array).
Public propertyFormatValue
Gets or sets custom formatting handler for table cell values (measure,measure index)->(value)
Public propertyIncludeTotals
Get or sets flag which indicates whether writer should include pivot table values into JSON (true by default).
Public propertyIncludeValues
Get or sets flag which indicates whether writer should include pivot table values into JSON (true by default).
Public propertySubtotalColumns
Include subtotal columns into resulting pivot table (false by default).
Public propertySubtotalRows
Include subtotal rows into resulting pivot table (false by default).
See Also
